Blaser Swisslube AG

Since 1936, Blaser Swisslube has stood for lubricant solutions that offer measurable added value and are gentle to people and the environment. We are a family-owned Swiss company that develops, produces and sells a comprehensive range of metalworking fluids of the highest quality, performance and reliability for a variety of industries. With a team of application experts, customized services and excellent products, we help manufacturers fully capitalize on the potential of their machines and tools and turn the metalworking fluid into a key success factor – a Liquid Tool.

We employ around 600 people and are present in more than 60 countries, promoting our family culture on a global scale through subsidiaries and business partners. Our headquarters is in Hasle-Rüegsau, Switzerland, with production facilities in Switzerland and the USA. Headquarters houses one of the largest laboratories in the industry for research and product development as well as a technology center fully equipped with the latest CNC machines for testing new solutions and simulating customer processes. We therefore understand the complex correlations between chemistry and mechanics, allowing us to optimize our customers’ processes, keep them stable and resolve issues quickly.